Friday, January 17, 2014

Delicious and healthy recipe for... Brussel sprouts

I know, I know... Brussel sprouts? Yes! I have never been a fan, so when my mom told me she had found a great way to fix them I was... Skeptical. Wow was she right!!! So yummy and full of good-for-you nutrients. I literally find myself craving them!
To prepare:
Half sprouts and place in large mixing bowl. Add 4 tbs olive oil, 3 tbs minced garlic, kosher salt and crushed pepper to taste  let them sit for about 1 hour then spread them in 1 layer on a cookie sheet (with edges) covered with parchment paper. Bake at 420 for 20 mins. Flip after 10 mins. 

Enjoy! I served them with herb crusted salmon and wild rice. Delicious!!

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